The world needs your special gifts. When we feel better we do better!

I am on a mission to elevate your health wherever it is needed most. I am dedicated to helping you become the person you most want to be!



  • Microbiome & gut issues

  • How to incorporate nourishing foods and navigate shopping

  • Weight loss

  • Help avoid disease or manage better any chronic health challenges

  • Understanding your labs and the best questions for your doctor

  • How to balance your mood with your food choices for a clearer, calmer mind.

  • Eliminating toxins and replacing them with powerful nutrition.

  • Shifting mindsets to work for you

  • Breaking through old patterns and messaging that holds you back


It’s time to put more life back in your years!

This is the time to honor yourself and your health!! There has never been a more important time to take care of your health, which I believe is the most important investment you can make.

We are in a world crisis! The amount of toxins coming at us through our food, stress levels, air, and home products is greater than ever before. The World Health Organization estimates it is not abnormal to be exposed to 2+ million daily. The fast pace, out of balance lifestyles causing lack of time for self-care in combination with the deteriorating quality of our food is causing our world to become overweight and undernourished, increasing in chronic disease. We have a sick care Health system and so many people are lost, confused, and hopeless.

After serious health challenges of my own, working as a Nurse for many years, and a Wellness practitioner, I have decided to make it my life's mission to change the direction as much as I possibly can! Let's face it in today's world health and wellness are not simply about diet and exercise.

In my training through the School of Integrative Nutrition & Coaching, you and I will look at all of the factors present in your daily lives. Healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, regular physical activity, and a spiritual awareness are all essential forms of nourishment. When these primary foods are balanced, what you eat becomes secondary. I will support you in achieving all of your goals, from eating the right foods for your body to living an inspired, fulfilling life.

My goal is to offer you a safe space to facilitate and guide you in reconnecting with your true essence. Bringing your power back, your confidence in your ability to heal, and live optimally.

We gain incredible amounts of Strength & Confidence when we are practicing self-care and self-love that is in alignment with our truth. I am honored to help facilitate this sacred journey to empowered health and well-being!


Pricing and Packages

A single session $75/hour

Included: We review in detail a very specific area you want help with, review labs, diet, emotions, best action plan, or to see if you need more attention.

$850.00 in full
or 2 installments of $450.00, or $300.00

Included: 2 biweekly phone sessions, unlimited emails, recipes, specific, targeted support throughout the whole process, and lifestyle bonuses that will stay with you long after our relationship ends.

$1600.00 total
3 Installments of $550.00, or $280/month.

Included: 13 one hour coaching session, unlimited emails, recipes, targeted support, 2 free Dragonfly Products of choice, and a copy of my eBook How to Navigate Through a Toxic World.



“Working with Kim changed my life.”

“Since working with Kim I’m now taking 2 of 7 medications I was on for over 25 Years from heartburn, weight, and depression issues.”

“Having Kim support me through coaching empowered me to reach my goals”

“Kim gave me the strength to believe in myself again. She makes people so comfortable with her that they can’t help but want to share. She has such great passion and insight, and I truly trust in her work, its impossible to not want to be part of it all. She gives hope to those who feel hopeless and truly empowers them. She has impacted my life beyond.”



Ready for the next steps to a better life?

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