The importance of Detoxing and the top 5 ways to support your bodies own detoxing system!


This year has been one of the most unusual and challenging years that I have  ever encountered. It is affecting all of us in one way or another and it is tough  stuff.

Taking care of ourselves is imperative in having a strong immune system. To  support you the best way that I can I am going to be focusing my Blogs on  ways we can strengthen our bodies, minds, and spirits.   

This first one is on the importance and benefits of Detoxing. 

We are challenged on a daily level with toxins overloading our bodies. More now than at any other time that I have ever experienced. Toxins are coming  at us through our food supply, home and body products, emotional stressors,  and air quality. It is not normal to experience this level of toxin exposure but  has become the new norm. That is why I want to bring awareness to you and  offer ways to combat its effect.  

You have to incorporate strategies that you can use in your everyday life to  avoid toxic overload. It is time we take our health and wellness back into our  hands. My goal is to empower you so you can take action and live a life full of  great health and vibrancy.   

Some of the most common symptoms of toxic overload, lying below the  “urgent” level are : 

  • Fatigue Brain fog

  • Mood challenges

  • Sleep challenges

  • Difficulty losing weight

  • Skin eruptions.

These are our bodies warning signs and paying attention to them is  important to longevity and avoiding disease.  

Take Dragonfly’s free detox quiz​ here ​and find out if you need to detox. 

Our body does have its own detox mechanism but after so much abuse it just  can not keep up. Removing toxins from our bodies is one of the most  important things we can do for maintaining optimal health and energy levels. 

A detox is such a great way to reboot your system, revitalize your body and  mind, and strengthen your immune system. Taking time to truly give your  body a break and committing to a whole foods detox is very beneficial and  effective. If you want to know more about detoxing and the next scheduled  group detoxes with Dragonfly wellness click on the link to find out more and  or sign up ​here​

Our daily habits are powerful and play a huge role in keeping our systems  clean and running smoothly.  

Here are the top 5 ways to support your body’s own detoxing  system, and get those built-up toxins out of your body!   

1. Getting the right kind of protein!! ​ Eating protein is not always supported in a detox, but getting the right kind of protein is imperative for your body to be able to detox. What is the right kind of protein?Proteins full of amino acids, ​Amino acids from protein are essential for liver function and detoxification. Good sources are wild-caught Salmon, pumpkin seeds, and beans.

2. Eat Organic​ - Eating organic food serves a dual purpose for detoxing. Organic foods are more nutrient-dense due to the quality of the soil is much better and this will better support detoxification. Secondly, they have much fewer chemicals sprayed on them reducing the work your liver has to do to detox them, and in the process increasing your detoxification capacity for other chemicals! This is a win/win! Having a Garden is ultimately the best and will also save you money. There are many more creative options for harvesting your food. Some examples are container gardens or community gardens.

3. Drink Plenty of Pure Water​ - this is an easy one and majorly beneficial to flushing toxins out! UP to 60% of the human body is water. If your body is dehydrated, all the detox systems will not be able to perform optimally.​ ​Water is the liver & kidneys filtration system, the digestive system's main source to keep it flowing, and supports a better functioning lymphatic system. If you don’t want to get backed up with toxic sludge, drink your water. To keep your system flowing aim to drink up to 3.5 liters of water per day. Filtered or pure water is the best to avoid consuming more chemicals. Make sure you have good, quality water!

4. Regular Bowel Movements ​- Get comfortable being mindful of your poop if you want to detox. It is paramount in getting toxins out! You should be having daily bowel movements and your transit time is also very important. If it takes greater than 24 yours to pass food through you may be absorbing more than nutrients. A great way to find out is to have a beet and see how long it moves through. It will come out bright purple or red. Movement, hydration, and eating the right foods  for you will help you achieve health, regular bowel movements.   

5. De-Stress and incorporate relaxation into your daily life. ​ Relaxing, perhaps the easiest, yet hardest thing to do in today’s world. When the body is stressed it causes your nervous system to go into “flight or fight mode”, signaling the adrenal glands to release hormones adrenalin and cortisol. When we are locked in stress mode too long a it causes physical and mental “dis-ease”. Relaxing or practicing de-stressing activities such as yoga, walking in nature, will do the opposite, allowing the parasympathetic nervous system to turn on and is where to body does its best healing and detoxifying.

If you want to take things one step further and try one of the Dragonfly Detox  programs, you can learn more about them ​here.​ If you have any further questions, feel free to call me at 920-883-7494 or email me at​. I would be happy to help in any way that I can! 

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Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat, or cure. We are all unique, for your health concerns it is important to discuss these with myself, or relevant health professionals. 

Lilly Stenbroten