Unlocking the Power of Transdermal Magnesium Therapy for Optimal Health!

Did you know that up to 90% of the population is magnesium deficient? This essential mineral is now recognized as one of the seven nutrients of concern by the U.S. Department of Health. Magnesium plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, from muscle recovery to sleep quality.  In fact, Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. 

Is there a way to support those functions and to bypass the digestive system and ensure your body gets the magnesium it craves?  The answer is YES! Transdermal magnesium therapy is the way to support your body in getting enough magnesium!

Why Magnesium Matters
Magnesium is vital for many so many bodily functions, including:

-Stress Management
- Muscle and nerve function
- Blood sugar control
- Blood pressure regulation
- Bone health

Here are some symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency
Low magnesium levels can lead to a variety of symptoms, including:
- Muscle cramps and spasms
- Fatigue and weakness
- Anxiety and irritability
- Sleep disturbances to name a few

Transdermal Magnesium: Is A Game Changer
Your skin is your largest organ, and it can effectively absorb magnesium. By applying magnesium balm or spray to your skin, you can enhance absorption and experience the benefits in as little as 15 minutes.

 Users of our Dragonfly Magnesium Balm report significant improvements in:
- Muscle Recovery: Faster recovery after workouts.
- Improved Sleep: A deeper, more restful night's sleep.
- Pain Relief: Alleviation of aches and discomfort.

MICHAEL T -   4/2/ 2024

I have been using the balm for diabetic neuropathy pain in my feet and hands. It works wonders, relieves the pain! It also helps with pain relief from migraines and arthritis. All around a 5-star rating!

Why Choose Our Magnesium Balm?
Our all-natural handcrafted Dragonfly Magnesium Balm is formulated with high-quality ingredients designed to maximize absorption and effectiveness. Each application delivers therapeutic benefits while nourishing your skin.

Are you ready to experience the benefits of transdermal magnesium therapy?  

Head over to our Product Page here and try our own Dragonfly Magnesium Balm today!

If you're looking to elevate your health journey, I also offer personalized coaching sessions. Let’s work together to optimize your well-being through nutrition, lifestyle changes, and effective supplementation.

Send me a message in the contact page or email me at

Dragonflyhealingarts04@gmail.  I would be honored to support you with your health goals!

Cheers to Your Health

Kimberly Ward, RN

Integrative and Transformation Coach

Aromatherapy and Neurofeedback Practitioner.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only. It is not designed to diagnose, treat, or cure. We are all unique, for your health concerns it is important to discuss these with myself, or relevant health professionals. 

Kimberly Ward