Why Should I Do Dragonfly’s 21 Day Detox To Renew Comprehensive Program?
Do you wake up feeling vibrant, full of energy and happiness?
Do you have the ability to snap back easily from stress, look at challenges with an opportunity mindset?I want you to know that My Mission with the 21 Day Detox is to give you a new standard, to upscale your health and empower you to live optimally.
Its really easy to stay stuck in what I like to call the “uncomfortable, comfort zone”!! Where the land of the lost has become our new normal, an acceptable place to be.
I am going to challenge you to NOT stay uncomfortable, to NOT to stay stuck living a quality of life less than you deserve. If you are experiencing any of the followingsymptoms below you will benefit from Dragonfly’s 21 Day Detox to Renew!!
Do any of these symptoms sound all too common?
Are you having weight challenges and have given up on trying?
You can’t lose weight or you are gaining weight no matter what you do?
You have achy joints and inflammation all the time?
Having Headaches often?
Are you tired and sluggish all the time?
Do you have trouble concentrating, have Brain Fog?
Do you have anxiety, worry a lot, have Monkey Mind?
Are you unmotivated, feel sluggish, or weak?
Are you bloated all the time, have acid reflux, GI problems?
Skin trouble, psoriasis, eczema, odd rashes?
Do you have sinus issues, asthma, upper respiratory challenges?
Trouble sleeping?
Trouble with bowel movements, slow or constipated a lot?
Are you stressed way too often?
Are your finger and toenails brittle?
Are you just plane NOT enjoying life?
Is your hair falling out or thinning (not including male genetics)?
More now, in our modern world than ever before our bodies are exposed to all kinds of toxins!
Toxins are in the food we eat and drink, the products we use in our homes and on our bodies, in the air we breath, both inside and out!
Toxins also develop in our bodies as a by-product of too much mental and emotional stress.Too much in one area can create a toxic overload that is way too hard on our systems. This places a burden on our natural detox system that it just can’t manage. The increasing bombardment of toxins, increasing emotional stress loads, and lack of movement puts us at high risk for long term damage if we don’t do something about it. Excessive toxins left long enough in the body can present a whole host of problemsand health concerns.
This is why I created this Journey for you to live a better life!
Dragonfly’s 21 Day Detox To Renew is designed to up-regulate your Metabolism, Immune System, and Optimize your overall Health and Wellness! Decrease Inflammation, digestive issues, balance blood sugars, improve weight loss, improve skin, energy, focus, mood.....and so much more!!!
This Program is super effective! It has been designed with a combination of foods and herbsthat work together by providing the body with the specific nutrients it needs to up-regulate specific enzyme pathways throughout the body. This allows your body to target built-up toxins, and stimulate the release of them to be eliminated out of the body.Dragonfly’s 21 Day Detox also offers you so much support and education, while getting amazing results.
It is SUPER easy to follow and includes:
A complete workbook and guide with super easy to follow action steps and delicious recipes.
You will have access to a Private FB Group which will include 3 Live Coaching Sessions and 3 recorded educational videos.
You will have a community of people supporting you so you’re not doing it alone. You have peers and me to support you through the whole process.
This is a Whole Foods based program, includes delicious meal plans, shopping lists, lifestyle hacks, tips and tricks for extra benefits, + so much more!
There has never been a more important time to Boost your health!
Stop settling and grab your ULTIMATE Life! Click below and Sign up NOW!!
Grab your early bird pricing for this month’s detox!I want to help as many people as I can boost their Immune systems and decrease any changes of you getting sick!
Isn’t it time to get your body back to where you want it!
Feel empowered and strong knowing your Immune System is working for you! Have a clear mind and manage change with resiliency.
Have vibrant energy, love your life and “feel amazing” in it!!
See What Others Are Saying
“I seem to have more energy, sleeping better, and more focused! My husband is feeling better also, is less achy, and already down 12lbs.” - Kelly
“The 21-day detox made a big difference in my mental and physical health. I lost ten pounds within the 21 days, had more energy throughout my days, my skin improved, and felt overall more healthy. It also made me realize how much of an impact diet is in our life. It was a little tough in the beginning but after about a week it was nice getting into a healthy routine. I felt like I started to respect my body and give it what it deserves.” -Elly
“Thank you again!! It was awesome! Because of this 21-day detox I am going to implement a morning routine and meditation before starting the day. “ -Ellysa
“I’m down 10 lbs today! I feel less sluggish...I can feel that I’m cleaner today in so many ways!!”
“I love the recipes, the cucumber, tomato, avocado salad, brown rice and black bean bowl are so tasty!! Oh, and the split pea and lentil soup were awesome too!!” -Kelley