10 Days to Reboot - By unlocking the secret to Gut Health & Amp: Your Immune System

10 Days to Reboot - By unlocking the secret to Gut Health & Amp: Your Immune System


This is for a PDF download.

If you would like to join the detox with others, please check the events page to see upcoming detox dates here.

If you would like to do the detox individually,
you will still be added to the FB Community - just remember you will be on your schedule!

Download this pdf to your device to take the 10 Day Detox Manual with you anywhere and start on your own schedule! All the information, photos, and recipes in the Manual are here in electronic format.  Enjoy!!

This program will give you:

1. The 7 most important Lifestyle Hacks to Optimal Health and Longevity!
2. An easy-to-follow guide and meal plan full of delicious, Gut-Healing & Immune Boosting recipes!
3. Easy to download app to help you shop!
4. Invite into a Private FB Group for support. Offering you more guidance, community, & coaching!

You will also be entered into a drawing for a gift including additional Gut and Immune boosting products.

We are in unprecedented times with the level of Stress we have been facing over the past few months. Facing the effects of the Cornonvirus, the lockdown, riots, to the struggles at home just trying to get used to such a fast and massive shift. We are also facing a time where Obesity & Weight Gain, Diabetes, Heart failure, Autoimmune Disease, Thyroid Issues, Hormonal Issues, Gut Issues, Emotional Challenges are at an all-time high, and growing every year. Overall our Immune Systems are weakened and these critical health issues are talked about as if they are almost normal. Our bodies do give us warning signals!

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms;

  • Anxiety

  • Weight gain or challenges losing weight

  • High stress and fear

  • Fatigue

  • Low Energy

  • Gerd or other Digestive Issues

  • Chronic Constipation

  • Achy, increase in soreness and/or pain

  • Sleep problems, depression, skin ailments

  • Brain Fog, having trouble concentrating

I can rest assure you that the above is NOT NORMAL !! And we can do something about it!

That is why I have created VITALITY an Immune System and Gut Reboot!!

Dragonflies VITALITY Immune System and Gut Reboot Program is a super simple to follow, 10 Day, Whole Foods Program. It is focused on improving your health, boosting your immune system, and healing your gut.

  • It is full of simple delicious recipes with the nutrients needed to really ramp up your health!

  • It has an easy to follow workbook and guide filled with simple instructions.

  • It includes Lifestyle Hacks to lower your stress levels and improve your quality of life.

  • It is packed full of information to maximize the program, your lifestyle, and improve your overall longevity.

You will be invited to the Vitality’s Privat Facebook Community that will provide you tons of support. I will be offering 3 coaching sessions, and you can get answers to any questions you need. It is also a place to share any of your successes as well as concerns.

Come on and join me and others for 10 days of fun, support, and empower yourself while improving your health and ultimately Strengthening your immune system and gut health!!

70% of our Immune system is in our gut!
Now more than ever we need to really take care of our selves and make sure our Immune systems are working for us.

The most precious gift we can give ourselves is our health!
When we feel good…..vibrant…...strong…… healthy, we can achieve so much more!!

This 10-day reboot will give your Immune system the boost it needs so we feel more protected. Dragonfly’s Vitality Gut and Immune System Reboot focus’s on what your body needs. It focuses on nourishing your body and feeding the immune system to get it into shape. It is not a diet but a way to nourish and heal your gut, give your body a break from inflammatory foods, while feeding you delicious, healing, foods that build you up.

And you get to do this in a community of support.

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