Itch Off Roll-On

Itch Off Roll-On


Helps those sneaky bites that happen!

Pairs great with Bug Off All-natural Insect Repellents for the sneaky ones that get through!

This effective combo will soothe and relieve the irritating, itch from those pesky bites. This combo has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, plus the known bonus effect of Lavender to stop bleeding will sure to provide relief. A must-have in the spring and summer months!! Roll on asap after a known bite for the best anti-itching effect. Great to keep by the bed also when the Itch decides to keep you up. 

Description: Apply to any bites as soon as you get one, continue applying as much as needed to reduce itch and inflammation. 

Ingredients: Sweet Almond Oil, Witch Hazel, Lavender, Frankincense, Tea Tree Essential Oil Blend 

Caution: Keep away from children, eyes, topical & external use only 

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